Wild & Awake Speaker Promotion Center
Welcome to the Speaker Promotion Center
It has taken incredible collaboration and heart-filled commitment to bring this powerful event to people around the world. Thank you!
Below you will find all the promotional material and swipe copy that you will need to let your community know about your interview and this event.
In order to reach a world-wide audience and touch as many people as possible with support and inspiration, I have asked you all to share from your hearts. I know it is a busy time. This won’t take long and it will impact many who really need it right now. Thank you.
Promotional Period
The pre-show promotion dates are March 6-19, 2023
Please send a solo email to your mailing list and a round of social media during this time.
Please do a second mailing to your list a few days before your individual interview is aired.
Another round of social media would also be welcomed during this time.
How to Use This Page
Find your customized speaker link. This will be the link you use in all your mailings.
Click here to get your link.
Choose an email below and download it. Make any changes you want to personalize and make it yours.
Click Here to go to the Promotional Copy.
Download images to send with your emails and/or social media.
Click Here to go to the Promotional Images.
For support, or questions please reach out to Kari@kariantine.com. Or text me at 207-479-4999.
Your Personal Tracking Link
Please copy/paste your link in the solo email/social media snippets
(Alphabetical by First Name)
Alicia Grayson
Alila Grace – April 12
Aline Habib – April 15
Austyn Wells – March 20
Carol Briskin – April 7
Cayelin Castell – April 5
Claire Dunn – March 22
Dalissa Hocking – March 23
Divina del-Sol – April 8
Jaime Goldstein – March 31
Johanna Walker – April 18
Jon Young – March 22
Ken Page – March 29
Kendra Woods – April 13
Leslie Cohen Rubury – April 17
Linda Fitch – March 24
Lee Traw – April 4
Mangala Holland – March 27
Mark Anthony Lord – April 10
Mischa Schuler – April 6
Nura Rachelle – March 21
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – April 11
Sacha Sterling – April 3
Sky Otter – April 14
Stacè Middlebrooks – March 25
Susun Weed – March 30
Tom Garcia – April 1
Promotional Copy & Guidelines
Download or Copy/Paste Files Below
The customized speaker link will help us track our collective success as well as inform us of any issues during the promotional period.
- Please send a solo email to your mailing list and a round of social media during March 6-19.
- You will find the email copy below. The basic body of the email is here for you to use. Please personalize it and make it yours.
- Please send a solo email to your mailing list and a round of social media three days before your individual interview airs.
Please send out social media blasts (FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM). Again, I have created the copy for you to use – please personalize as you wish. These can be sent out during promo time as well as during the event and before your interview airs.
Click to Show Solo Email 1: Copy and paste to use
Subject: {NAME} – Please Join Me! OR
Ready to Live a Life You Love? OR
Ready to Re- Wild your mind and Re-Enchant your heart? OR
Ready to Re-Wild? OR It is time to wake up from the cultural dream – you ready?
Dear {NAME},
My experience is that when you show up curious and hungry for growth this has the power to change your life.
Recently I had the privilege to speak with friend and colleague, Kari Van Tine, for her upcoming online retreat, WILD AND AWAKE: How To Live Your Best Life Right Now! This event starts soon – on the Equinox – March 20th. Sign up now. >>Your Affiliate Link<<
(Speaker- if you are sending this email a few days before your interview airs- you can exclude the part above about the event starting on March 20, and you can include the following paragraph. )
My interview with Kari airs in just a few days – so please join right now so you can hear our conversation – it was a truly dynamic and meaningful discussion with lots of “aha” moments, and valuable content! >>Your Affiliate Link<<
In these dynamic times – I am grateful to be able to offer you something different and hopeful- a deep dive into nurturing yourself and supporting what you dream your life can be.
Kari gathered together a panel of visionaries and teachers – people like myself who have been thinking outside of the box for a long time. We are different – some of us are writers, healers, doctors, shamans, artists, therapists, and deep nature lovers…including myself (Speaker…add your description if it is not here)
We are collectively holding the vision that when we expand our consciousness – or the way we think – we are more resourced to live our lives with much more possibility and joy.
I really hope that you will join us. Did I mention this is a free event? >>Your Affiliate Link<<
To use Kari’s words – “Please join us on a journey of re-wilding your mind and re-enchanting your heart!”
Join us! >>Your Affiliate Link<<
Your sign off
P.S. Here’s that link again. >>Your Affiliate Link<<
Click to Show Solo Email 2: Copy and paste to use
Subject: {NAME} – Please Join Me! OR
Ready to Live a Life You Love? OR
Ready to Re- Wild your mind and Re-Enchant your heart? OR
Ready to Re-Wild? OR It is time to wake up from the cultural dream – you ready?
Dear {NAME},
I want to personally invite you to join me on a journey of enchantment and re-wilding!
I am honored to be part of a panel of dynamic visionaries and teachers invited to speak at the virtual retreat – WILD AND AWAKE: How to Live your Best Life Right Now! >> your affiliate link >> hosted by my colleague Kari Van Tine.
This event starts soon – on the Equinox – March 20th. Sign up now. >> your affiliate link >>
(Speaker- if you are sending this email a few days before your interview airs- you can exclude the part above about the event starting on March 20, and you can include the following paragraph. )
My interview with Kari airs in just a few days- so please join right now so you can hear our conversation- it was a truly dynamic and meaningful conversation with lots of “aha” moments and valuable content! >> your affiliate link >>
All these other great visionaries, teachers and I are sharing our wisdom and personal experiences – about how to live your best lives right now.
I personally share (Speaker- please offer a short story about your own journey, or an aspect of thinking differently that you share in the interview/or represent in your work)
In this event you will learn about cutting edge psychology, social activism, meditation, energy healing, prosperity, astrology, herbalism, intimacy, creativity, deep nature perspectives and adventures as a rite of passage.
This is an event like no other. I trust that you will feel lit-up, inspired, and ready to make changes you may have been putting off for a long time!
I’d love to see us all wake up in our lives and invite in more… (Speaker- please fill in what it is that matters most to you and your audience. For example: embodied experience of joy, connection to nature, deep experience of spirit, knowledge of how we are evolving…etc.)
To use Kari’s words – “Please join us on a journey of re-wilding your mind and re-enchanting your heart!”
Please sign up here >> your affiliate link >>
Your sign off
P.S. Here’s that link again. >> your affiliate link >>
Click to Show Newsletter Blurb & Social Media Posts: Copy and paste to use
Newsletter Blurb:
Join me and host Kari Van Tine for the powerful and inspiring virtual retreat – WILD AND AWAKE: How To Live Your Best Life Right Now! >> your affiliate link << This event starts soon – on the Equinox – March 20. Sign up now. >> your affiliate link <<
Myself and over 20 other visionaries and teachers are sharing our wisdom and personal experiences – about growing our thinking, and consciousness about how you can live your best life RIGHT NOW and expand what is possible in the world. I share… (offer a very short story about your own journey, or an aspect of thinking differently that you share in the interview/or represent in your work) I personally want to invite you to this retreat. >> your affiliate link <<
In this event you will learn about cutting edge psychology, social activism, astrology, meditation, energy healing, prosperity, creativity, medical leaps, deep nature perspectives and adventures as a rite of passage. This is an event like no other. You will feel lit up, inspired, and ready to make the changes you are hungry for.
Right now we have the opportunity to wake up in our lives – to use the crises of this time to unveil what we haven’t been seeing. Inspired to shift our thinking, we can live more fully, wild and awake!
Oh and did I mention it is FREE? Please sign up here. >> your affiliate link <<
Check out my fascinating interview with teacher/healer Kari Van Tine on her inspiring online retreat – WILD AND AWAKE: How to Live Your Best Life Right Now! Join us on a journey of re-wilding your mind and re-enchanting your heart! This event is designed to offer you hope and possibility in these challenging times. It is time to wake up, expand your thinking, and fully live your life! And did I mention the WILD AND AWAKE online retreat is FREE? Please join us! >> your affiliate link <<
Check out my fascinating interview with teacher/healer Kari Van Tine on her powerful and inspiring online retreat –WILD AND AWAKE: How to Live Your Best Life Right Now! #wildandawake #consciousnessgrowth #rewilding #rewildyourmind #liveyourbestlife >> your affiliate link <<
Check out my fascinating interview with teacher/healer Kari Van Tine on her powerful and inspiring online retreat – WILD AND AWAKE: How to Live Your Best Life Right Now! It is time to wake up, re-wild our minds, re-enchant our hearts, and fully live our lives! >> your affiliate link <<
Promotional Images
Use Images Below in Emails and Social Promotions.
To download on a PC, right click and select “Save Image As”
To download on a Mac, right click and select “Save Image As”
Banner to use at top of emails

Images for Social Media
Remember to include YOUR person tracking link

Social Graphics
Each Expert has a personalized social media graphic below for use on social platforms.
Remember to include YOUR person tracking link

Aline Habib

Austyn Wells

Alila Grace

Alicia Grayson

Cayelin K. Castell

Carol Briskin

Dallisa Hocking

Divina del-Sol

Dr. Tom Garcia

Jaime Goldstein

Johanna Walker

Jon Young & Claire Dunn

Ken Page

Kendra Woods

Lee Traw

Leslie Cohen Rubury

Linda Fitch

Mangala Holland

Mark Anthony Lord

Mischa Schuler

Nura Rachelle

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Sacha Sterling

Sky Otter

Stacè Middlebrooks

Susun Weed
© 2020-2024 Wild and Awake. All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy