The Drill and the Cookbook Story!
Hi dear one! I hope you enjoyed my “birthday drill” story.
I’m looking forward to sharing more with you about my experiences of learning to be empowered and lit up living in the center of the story we tell about ourselves about what’s possible in our lives.
I hope you will join us for the upcoming “Joy of Creativity Class” where we will be playing with a few of my favorite tools (besides the drill 🙂 !
P.S. If you have already signed up – awesome! And if you haven’t yet and it would nourish and inspire you…please join us. xo
About Your Host – Kari Van Tine
Kari Van Tine is a healer, visionary, artist, trail-blazer, and coach dedicated to helping people become more conscious and awake, in tune with nature, and in alignment with their deep callings and creativity.
She grew up off the grid, in a log cabin in the woods in rural Maine, and spends long periods of time immersed in nature every year. She maintains a mystical and intimate relationship with the natural world and communes with deep layers of nature consciousness.
Kari is committed to supporting the health of the planet. She acts as an intermediary, connecting forms of nature consciousness with conventional human consciousness. She travels the world with light feet – connecting intimately with local people and the natural world. Among her recent explorations: hiking in the Himalayas, diving in Indonesia, meditating in Burmese monasteries.
She is also a professional visual artist and dancer.
Based in Maine and Hawaii, Kari works with clients all over the world.
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