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Our Featured Guest is SKY OTTER

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I would like to give you the last chapter of my book, Wild Earth, Wild Soul and a video to help you tune into the foundational aspect of being human.
Sky Otter
Sky Otter formerly known as Bill Pfeiffer is the founder of Sacred Earth Network (SEN) which has implemented leading edge visions for over 25 years. In that time, Sky made Russia a second home -travelling there 44 times assisting the environmental and indigenous movements through Sacred Earth Network. This has given him a rare cross-cultural perspective.
Sky has also spent extensive time in the US Southwest learning about Native medicine ways and the crucial importance of the petroglyphs and pictographs.
He has also led hundreds of spiritual ecology workshops, including men’s work and breath work. He has 25 years of experience in Re-evaluation Counseling and Vipassana meditation, and has undergone extensive training with Siberian shamans.
Sky has partnered with and designed experiential workshops with some of the visionary leaders ( I deeply respect ) some including Joanna Macy, John Perkins, Llyn Roberts, Cathy Pedevillano, and John Seed
His book, Wild Earth, Wild Soul: A Manual for an Ecstatic Culture is a powerful exploration integrating and offering much of what he has learned over the years.
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