Welcome to Wild & Awake
Our Featured Guests are Gabrielli LaChiara and
Chloe Faith Urban

Gabrielli LaChiara and Chloe Faith Urban
Gabrielli LaChiara (she/her/hers) is a white, cisgender woman of Italian descent, age 54 at present time, 2020. She lives and holds her private practice in Amherst, MA, on the indigenous land of the Umpanchla, Quonquont, and Chickwalopp people. Gabrielli brings great joy and possibility to Earth as a facilitator of healing and is blessed with a kindred connection to the ascended Goddess of compassion, Kwan Yin. She has been practicing the healing arts since 2005, and is the creator of Infinity Healing Practice, and co-founder of Infinity Healing Trainings.
Chloë Faith Urban (she/her/hers) is a white, cisgender woman of British, Irish, French, German and Scandinavian descent, age 33 at present time, 2020. She lives and holds her private practice in Portland, Maine, on the indigenous land of the Abenaki people and Wabanaki Confederacy. Chloë is a certified Infinity Practitioner, who has been immersed in healing spaces since she was 4 years old. She is profoundly honored to have the opportunity to foster and awaken healing on the planet, through her work with individuals and in groups, and to have a deep connection with Goddess of compassion, Kwan Yin. Chloë teaches and leads powerful healing intensives and trainings alongside dear friend Gabrielli LaChiara.
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